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None of us have become the woman we are today by ourselves. We grew up in a family, studied in a school, lived in a country, experienced a culture, populated a globe... These are communities. Communities are an integral part of the human experience. For good or bad, the communities we came from have shaped our lives. But are we capable of saying the reverse? Has my life shaped my communities?  

UnivLab 2025 is challenging you to embrace your identity as a Citizen of our World!  

What is UNIVLab?

UNIV Lab is a an international conference, a space of encounter, reflection and work.

The objective is to gather young people and experts from the five continents to discuss concerns and propose answers to the challenges posed by today's culture, related to the theme of this year's UNIV.



Opening of the UNIV Lab given by Lila Rose on this year's theme: “Citizens of our world”.

Lila Rose is a writer, speaker, and activist who founded and serves as president of Live Action, a national human rights organization. Lila was named among the National Journal’s “25 Most Influential Washington Women Under 35.”

Expert-Led Workshops


Reflection and dialogue on different aspects of UNIVLab's theme, through hands-on, international, and interdisciplinary workshops of 40-50 people, led by an expert in that field. 

*Once registration is closed, participants will receive a form to sign up for their preferred workshop topics. The workshops will be in Spanish or English, depending on the expert leading them.

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Social Entrepreneur

Philip Wilson

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Hockey player

Beba Viana

Ilona Lahdelma

Professor and researcher

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Team transformation advisor

Vane Izquierdo

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Team tranformation advisor

Bea Ruiz

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Leadership Coach

Karen Bohlin

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Ines Llorens


In Altum's Executive Director

Juan José


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Ma. José Núñez

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José Ángel



A graphic magazine that summarizes the conclusions of the various workshops. The aim is to multiply the impact of UNIV Lab, making the conclusions more readily available so that participants can share the ideas and bring them to life.


Modes of Participation


Keynote attendance


Keynote attendance 
+ participation in 2 workshops


Conclusions 2024


Conclusions 2023

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